Deploying Cloud Foundry with cf-deployment

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This topic describes how to deploy Cloud Foundry using cf-deployment. For more information about cf-deployment, see the cf-deployment repository on GitHub.

cf-deployment relies on individual component releases and prioritizes the following:

  • Readability for a human operator: cf-deployment includes only necessary configuration
  • Security and production-readiness by default
  • Native use of Diego and lack of support for Droplet Execution Agents

Prepare Your Environment

Before deploying Cloud Foundry with cf-deployment, you must prepare your environment and deploy a BOSH Director. The procedures to do this vary depending on your IaaS.

Select the topic specific to your IaaS:

Note: The topics for preparing your environment use the bosh-bootloader tool. bosh-bootloader is currently compatible with GCP, AWS, Microsoft Azure, VMware vSphere and OpenStack.

Deploy Cloud Foundry

After preparing your environment and deploying a BOSH Director, continue to the Deploying Cloud Foundry topic.

Other IaaS Support

You can deploy Cloud Foundry using cf-deployment to an IaaS not listed above. The Cloud Foundry community tested and found Cloud Foundry compatible with the following:

Note: Any IaaS not listed have not been tested with Cloud Foundry. Attempts to deploy Cloud Foundry on an untested IaaS may fail.

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