Creating and managing users with the cf CLI

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You can manage users with the cf CLI. Learn how to view users by role, assign roles, and remove roles from a user.

Cloud Foundry uses role-based access control, with each role granting permissions in either an organization or an application space.

For more information, see Organizations, spaces, roles, and permissions.

About roles

To manage all users, organizations, and roles with the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI), log in with your admin credentials. In your Cloud Foundry deployment manifest, see the uaa scim section for the admin name and password.

If the feature flag set_roles_by_username is activated, Org Managers can assign org roles to existing users in their org and Space Managers can assign space roles to existing users in their space. For more information about using feature flags, see the Feature Flags topic.

Creating and deleting users

docs-dev-guide FUNCTION COMMAND EXAMPLE Create a new user cf create-user USERNAME PASSWORD cf create-user Alice pa55w0rd Create a new user, and prompt for password for better security cf create-user USERNAME –password-prompt cf create-user Alice Create a new user, specifying LDAP as an external identity provider cf create-user USERNAME –origin ORIGIN cf create-user Aayah ldap Create a new user, specifying SAML or OpenID Connect as an external identity provider cf create-user USERNAME –origin ORIGIN cf create-user Aiko provider-alias Delete a user cf delete-user USERNAME cf delete-user Alice

Creating administrator accounts

To create a new administrator account, use the UAA CLI.

The cf CLI cannot create new administrator accounts.

Org and app space roles

You can have one or more roles. The combination of these roles defines your overall permissions in the org and within specific app spaces in that org.

Org roles

Valid org roles are OrgManager, BillingManager, and OrgAuditor.

View the organizations belonging to an account. cf orgs cf orgs
View all users in an organization by role. cf org-users ORGANIZATION-NAME cf org-users my-example-org
Assign an org role to a user. cf set-org-role USERNAME ORGANIZATION-NAME ROLE cf set-org-role Alice my-example-org OrgManager
Remove an org role from a user. cf unset-org-role USERNAME ORGANIZATION-NAME ROLE cf unset-org-role Alice my-example-org OrgManager

If multiple accounts share a username, set-org-role and unset-org-role return an error. See Identical Usernames in Multiple Origins for details.

App space roles

Each app space role applies to a specific app space.

Valid app space roles are SpaceManager, SpaceDeveloper, and SpaceAuditor.

View the spaces in an org. cf spaces cf spaces
View all users in a space by role. cf space-users ORGANIZATION-NAME SPACE-NAME cf space-users my-example-org development
Assign a space role to a user. cf set-space-role USERNAME ORGANIZATION-NAME SPACE-NAME ROLE cf set-space-role Alice my-example-org development SpaceAuditor
Remove a space role from a user. cf unset-space-role USERNAME ORGANIZATION-NAME SPACE-NAME ROLE cf unset-space-role Alice my-example-org development SpaceAuditor

If multiple accounts share a username, set-space-role and unset-space-role return an error. See Identical Usernames in Multiple Origins for details.

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